A map to misery

There are few better ways to fast-track yourself to misery than by embracing these three mindsets:

  • Envy - “I wish I had that”

  • Entitlement - “I deserve that”
  • A victim mentality - “It’s her fault I don’t have that”

When you adopt these attitudes, you avoid responsibility and point fingers. You see what's not instead of what is

Envy, entitlement, and victimhood breed perpetual discontentment and resentment. Life becomes about "shoulds" - I should have this, I should have gotten that, he shouldn't have this, she should have that. 

It spirals quickly, sucking the joy from your spirit as you sulk in your self-made sorrow.

A better path forward:

  • Gratitude - "I'm fortunate to have what I have"
  • Generosity - "How can I use what I have to help someone else?"

When you're generous & grateful, you're joyful. The things you have become gifts, gifts to be enjoyed, treasured, and shared. 

When you get something, you're glad! You celebrate instead of complain.

Notice none of this is about your circumstance. It's your posture not your position that determines your path.

The game of life doesn't come down to the cards you've been dealt; it's how you play your hand.